Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving weekend

Hi all. I'll come down off the soap box for tonight. It's late,and I just want to post something, anything really. Sometimes I just want to write, something, anything. I might not have anything specific to share, or anything important. But sometimes, you just gotta write. I'll bet a lot of you are like that sometimes. All 2 of you who check out my blog. LOL
     Lately I've been really into an old Japanese bad that was formed for an anime in the late 1990's/ early 2000's. Called Lucifer. No, they are not devil worshipers. The literal translation of Lucifer is Fallen Angel (which is what the devil is called in the Bible, I know, but this is not from a Christian perspective. There are a lot of differences in the way demons and devils are viewed in Japan). The anime is based on the manga of the same name; "Kaikan Phrase" or "Sensual Phrase" by a mangaka called Shinjo, Mayu. The band in the manga is famous for writing songs with heavy sensual lyrics. It's a bit different in the anime, and the band was created to promote the anime. It's a hard rock style. The only problem is that I can't buy the album on iTunes! So, I have to find it on YouTube, I'm pretty grateful I can find it there, otherwise I'd never know how great they are. It's so frustrating. I've found ONE for sale, but, obviously it's from Japan. And a bit pricey. :(  You can find Japanese songs and bands from the 1990's, just not this one yet. I think I'm starting to get some of the words down, it's kinda strange listing to a different language, not even a Latin based one at that. But, I really like the singer's voice, and the band is great. "Midnight Crow" might just be the best song.
     When I was in high school I would have been completely in love with this band. They are right up the same alley as Great White (now I like Jack Russel's Great White), Poison, Motley Crue, White Lion, Tesla, ect. 1980's & 1990's hair band, hard rock. I would spend all my money on concert tickets and tour t-shirts. While all but one friend spent their money on name brands clothes, and made fun of me for buying my jeans from Goodwill, mine went to concerts. The one friend, my best friend from 8th grade and on (once I had kids, and she didn't, we didn't see each other as much, she got to keep spending money on concerts and I couldn't, but we still loved each other!), we probably went to 10 concerts a year, and since we lived in Milwaukee at the time, Summerfest! We were probably there 8 or 9 of the 11 days each year! It was a lot of fun. I hope that as my kids get older and flee the nest, I might get to go to some concerts again. Now though, I would attend more than one type of music concert. I'd hit as many as I could (except rap. Just don't like it.) No cheerleader, football game stories from me, it's all concert stories.
     The best one I ever went to wasn't even a band I was too familiar with. It was a Summerfest performance by L.A. Guns. Great band, I just din't know too many of their songs. They put on a great show, but what was most memorable was the rain. About 2/3 of the way through the show, the sky opened up in thunder, and it started pouring. So, since it's an outside venue, the band said good night. Now, this place was jammed. Mikki (best friend's nick-name) and I were 2nd row center, and we were packed in like sardines. Literally standing sideways, front to back standing on the (wooden) bench. More people had smooshed their way into the space between the benches as well. Everyone there was just having a great time, and no one was ready for the concert to end, so we all started screaming over the rain. After about five mins, the band came back out and said, "if you guys are f**kin' crazy enough to stand out here, we're f**kin' crazy enough to keep playing for you!!" And they played for more than 30 more mins! During all this, of course everyone was jumping on the bench in rhythm to the music, and we broke the benches! Only the first two rows were still wooden, the rest were metal. The next time we were there (2 days later) they had replaced the benches with metal. It was just a blast. I'm sure no one forgot that one too quickly, including the band.
     Well, I think I've got enough writing out of my system for now. See you all next time.

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