Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Where have I been...again...

     So, where have i been, I know you all want to know. I've been working on a Christmas present for my hubby. I knitted him a scarf. I'm not a very fast knitter and I have had arthritis in my hands for 20 odd years, so, slow going is putting it lightly. Nearly every spare min I had, I was knitting. And when I wasn't, my hands were too sore to type. I also had to start over four times. First it was too long, then I decided that plain black, although it looks good on him, was too boring. Then it was too tight to really work with. I guess 4th times a charm. :)
     He's never really been a scarf kinda guy. But I thought that he might finally be cold enough to start wearing one. I think he does like it, but it remains to be seen if he'll wear it.
     I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. We did. We had a very small budget this year, but still managed to get everyone some nice things. I even got my c.d. By Lucifer! Well, I don't have it yet, but it is on the way (as long as they send the right product, it's coming from China, not Japan and we've has issues with that before.) Still, can't wait. Might have a long wait anyway. But once it is mine, i can listen whenever, where ever. I will no longer be a slave to the internet and youtube!
     So, as it's a "whatever Wednesday" I think I'm already sticking to that topic.. LOL
     Oh, I've got great news! Well, for us anyway! We have our badges and hotel room, so Anime Milwaukee (or AMKE), here we come! We always have so much fun there. It's not really too far that we have to have a hotel room, but it's part of the fun to stay right on sight. There is literally  something going on 24 hours a day the whole weekend. If you've never been, and you like anime and Manga, voice actors, or Doctor Who, Firefly, Disney, Renaissance fairs, or Japanese culture, swords, cosplay, video games, umm, well, really anything that is nerdy or geeky, it's there. It does focus mostly on anime and manga, but, you can really find it all there. So, if you can be in the Milwaukee area the weekend of February 17 to the 19th, go, go, GO! It is totally worth it.
     Some of the kids know what they want to cosplay as. My 12 year old daughter wants to be Sen from "Spirited Away." We've already got a good costume for that. Last year she was Kiki from "Kiki's Delivery Service," had to make that dress. Tough, but fun. She might use that one again. I'll probably just go as my normal "genaric anime mom" - basicly I wear a skirt or jumper with a white apron and a low pony tail or loose braid. If you've even seen an anime mom, you'll know the look. 15 year old son probably won't dress up. 21 year old son, wants to be like, five different things. My rule is, as of 2 weeks before the convention, all costumes must be 90% or more done, or I'm not helping anymore. Too crazy to get it all done that close to convention time. I know! Hubby won't dress up either. He did it the second year he went, but it's not really his thing. I'm just glad he's going. I've been trying to get everyone to dress up as the wondering nomads from "Avatar" but so far, no agreements. I think we'd be great at that.
     Guess that's all I've got tonight.

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