Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Where have I been?

     Where have I been? Well, I was trying to deal with the blow that this country dealt. We have elected a bully to the highest office our country has. We now have a racist dictator for the President of the United States.
     I am not a Trump supporter. 

     I am a conservative Christian. I believe the Bible in 100% perfect. I believe Jesus is the only way to heaven. I do not believe in hate. Jesus preached love.

"And now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the GREATEST of these is LOVE"
--1 Corinthians 13:13

     This year, there were two choices. Neither was good. One was not evil. One was. Good job U.S. You chose the wrong one. Yea, I know a lot of you out there disagree. I know most of you who voted for him think he's the better choice. You are entitled to your opinion. 
     What I don't get, is how anyone can listen to the man and not see. He wants to purify America. ?!?!?! Didn't another man say that nearly 80 years ago? He wants to build a wall? Berlin Wall... anyone??? Registering a sub-group of Americans, making them wear identification? REALLY! How do you not see? Since he has been elected, hate crimes have increased, maybe not too much -- YET. 

     I have stated that I am a conservative, dresses only, Bible believing Christian. I believe that Christianity is the only correct religion. But, and this is a BIG but; God gave us the gift of free will. And this country is suppose to support that.  If you are Muslim, you are not a bad person. You are not a second class citizen. I am not afraid of someone because of their religion. Jesus said we are to love everyone. Not just those who are like us. 
     Because I believe the Bible is completely correct, I do not believe that God condones same sex relationships. That He created men to be men and women to be women. I do NOT believe that the government should decided who should and should not get married. I believe it is a sin to have sex outside of marriage, and since God does not recognize same sex marriages, it is a sin to have sex with someone who is your same gender. That doesn't stop God or Jesus from loving you. It's not my business who you have a relationship with. Frankly, I'd rather see someone in a committed, same sex relationship than someone who has sex with many different opposite gender people on a regular basis. Yes, it's a sin. Guess what? I'm a sinner too. I do all kinds of things that disappoints God. He still love me, He still loves you. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, GOD LOVES YOU! That's the message. And as far as this ridiculous bathroom thing; if someone believes themselves to be the opposite gender than what they were born, they have so many things going on in their lives, they are not someone you need to worry about. They just want to pee and get out of there. Get over yourselves, you wouldn't even know if someone IS opposite gender anyway. Just move on. 
     This world is so full of hate. Why can't we just stop? Because we are afraid of what we don't understand. This is the human condition. The thing is, you don't always have to be afraid of something/ someone who is different. Yes, there are times to be cautious. There are bad people out there. People who want to hurt you. Some are different than you, and some are just like you. How many serial killers have just been the guy next door? Almost all sexual assaults are by someone you know, and even, often, love. 

     This has been quite the ranting post. I know. And I know many people out there will not be happy with what I've said. People on both sides will be angry at me. But, go back and read it again. I might think that with what we call "alternate lifestyles" is sinning, but I have no problem with you. You are just different than me. If you treat me with respect and kindness, I will treat you the same. And if you don't, I'll still try to treat you with respect and kindness. That's what the Bible teaches us. LOVE EVERYONE! I will stand with those who just want their freedom to choose, as long as your choice is not based in hate. 
     And, if any transgender women want to use the woman's bathroom when I'm in there, feel free. I'll support your right to be who you want to be. 

For the record, I am upset about who has been elected. But, I do not hate those who chose him. Most of the time I don't hate trump either. I am trying to practice what Jesus preached.In fact, I feel sorry for him, and everyone around him. I only hope that somehow love wins out over hate. 

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