Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hello, Nice to Meet You

Greetings and Salutations!

     So, here I am. Starting a blog. Well, I have to admit, I have tried to start one in the past, but life got in the way, and I've no idea where they went. So, I shall start one again. 
     Today, I shall just tell you about me, and you can feel free to tell me about you (if you should happen upon my blog).
     First off, like my title says, I am Christian, full time wife & mother, and I homeschool. I have been homeschooling for more than 15 years! I'v already graduated 2, and have 2 more to go. I really enjoy homeschooling, and love having my kids at home. They love it too. I'm pretty sure some of my posts will be about our homeschooling adventures. 
     Second, I'll tell you about my family, who are VERY important to me. My husband and I have been married for 19 years. We have four children. In age order they are; Ky-girl-23, Jy-boy-21, Jk-boy-15, and Kt-girl-12. You probably noticed that 2 of our kids are older than our marriage. In our case, The older two are not biologically my husband's children. He and I married when they were 4 & 2. He adopted them in 2000, when they were 6 & 4. He could not love them more if they were biologically his. After that, we had the next two children. I also have to add my somewhat adopted girl-Mk(21)who has a now 3 year old daughter (Lr), my "granddaughter." She is a single young mother who we have known since she was 14. When she became pregnant, I offered to help her our with whatever. I have been her babysitter, and they have lived with us twice over the years (in fact she is living w/ us now & will be moving this weekend) And finally, my mother-granny, lives with us too. 
    Third I shall tell you a little about my own Christian journey. I call myself a Bible-thumping Christian. I believe, with no doubts, that the Bible is the unfailing Word of God. I do not think one religion is perfect, although I do tend to fall more towards the Pentecostal faith. I was not raised in the Church. I was loosely raised Catholic, but as a teenager, my mother got into the occult, so that became the focus of my beliefs. (more on that later) I was saved in October of 2008. I do not remember the exact date, but I do remember the day (it was the 3rd Monday of the month, I could look it up, but have not), but I will never forget the experience. 
      And lastly I will add to all of this, that the word "eclectic" describes me perfectly. I really don't fit into one group or another all the way. Our homeschooling pulls a little out of each kind our there, from "unschooling" to "school at home." My music tastes are pretty varied, I love Skillet, Crowder, Great White, Motley Crew, Faith Hill, Disney songs, the list goes on and on (I am NOT a fan of rap though). I think the only person I have ever met who has a more eclectic taste in music is my daughter Ky. I am a Christian (some may not agree with me, because of the next few words), but I do read books like Harry Potter, and I am also into anime and manga. I only wear dresses as well, but feel it's fine to wear make-up and cut your hair. All these things I have prayed on and I believe that this is who I am suppose to be. I have lost "friends" because of this, once they find out I don't fit that perfect Christian mold. All I can do for them is pray they become more accepting of those with different ways. Because, let's face it, God made everyone different and that is good.  They more posts I make, the more my eclecticism will show. (I am also told I have a quirky sense of humor)
     So, I hope I have snagged your interest and you will come back and read my posts often. You are welcome to post your thoughts and opinions, but I will delete any that are rude or hurtful. I have no problem with people who have different opinions than me, or a healthy debate about those opinions. The key word there is healthy. Hurtful, rude, over aggressive, is not healthy. Remember: you catch more flies with honey, not vinegar. 


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