Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Greeting and Salutations!

     This spring is going to be quite the crazy one. My older son, Jy is attending the local technical  collage, one county over, the downtown branch. And he is not a larger city downtown driver yet! So, Monday through Friday we find ourselves downtown for anywhere from one to three hours. Thankfully, the public library is only two/three blocks away. So, we park in the school garage ($1.50 no matter how long) and walk over. It has been fine so far, but currently we are having nice winter weather, about 35/40*, so it's fine to walk over. Hope it stays that way....
     The younger two kids, who are still homeschooling, Jk & Kt, are getting a bit of an education outside of "normal" homeschooling. They have to pack backpacks & lunches each day now. I'm not going to just leave them at home, sure they can work pretty good by themselves, but this is the perfect time to get totally devoted to school (and blogging). Plus, I don't think it's a bad thing for them to learn just how nice it is to NOT have to do this everyday for 13 years. My older two attended school for a few years, and although they were young, they do have some recollection  of doing it, and both liked NOT have to anymore, once they were homeschooled. So, here's another unexpected lesson the our true teacher, life, has tossed our way.
     When I first started homeschooling, I got asked the "what, no school?" question, A LOT! I don't get it so much now. But, as you know, it can get really annoying when people ask you that all the time. I started to answer "the world is our classroom & life our teacher" or "sure there is, this is ___ : recess, economics, field trip, ect." But, I have to admit, I often just was so annoyed with people, I would be rather snarky and say things like: "Wait! What are you guys doing here!? I thought I told you to stay at school!" Or "how on earth would I know" or "I suppose  so"  And, then there's the BIG question everyone wants an answer to, "What about socializing ?" I really began to hate that one. My answer to that became "exactally." That was it. Nothing else. Because, the number one reason I do homeschool is for socializing my family properly. I mean come on, where in the real world do you spend 9 hours EVERY day with people who are within one year of you? Only in school. Nowhere else. Not out shopping, not at work, not at the doctor's offices, not at church. Nowhere. One of the things most people really like about homeschoolers is the fact that they can get along with pretty much anyone of any age. My kids are all great with people of different ages, as long as someone is not a jerk, they have a great time hanging out.
     Now, when people were honestly  curious about homeschooling, I would take whatever time I could to answer their questions. But most people only want to question you're whole idea of teaching your kids. I think a lot of brick and mortar  school parents feel guilty when them come across a homeschooling parent. After all, I'm giving up everything to stay home and teach my kids, and they aren't. The thing is, I am a super firm believer that not everyone should homeschool. I think anyone who wants to to CAN do it, but that doesn't mean it's for everyone. It is a huge commitment, and not all parents can do it, and not all kids should either. It's just something that everyone has to decide for themselves. This is America (at least for now, but let's not get political) and we have the freedom to choose. As long as you are trying your hardest to do everything you can for your kids, you are a good parent. At least in my book. None of us are perfect, we will all make many, many, many mistakes parenting our kids, but all we can do is try our best.
     To be very honest  here, the only parents I don't like are the ones who say things like "I could never spend so much time with my kids. I couldn't stand to be with them all the time. I can hardly wait to get away from them each day." Ect. Why on Earth did you have them in the first place? Yes, we all need a break from time to time, and not everyone has the patience to spend the amount of time it takes to homeschool, but you should still like to be around your kids. And want to spend time with them.
     So, for us, homeschooling is the way. When the kids reach highschool they get a choice, so far, they all wanted to continue homeschooling (although my oldest might have been happy going to a brick and mortar  school. At least that's what she says now, but I think she was happier at home, issues and all). I'm pretty sure my last one, who is middle school age right now, will want to stay home as well. And it's what makes us all happy.

After all:
     "This is school Mr. Potter. Not the real world." (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - by J.K Rowling)

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